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New MR-03 front end from Reflex Racing

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Anmeldedatum: 10.05.2010
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BeitragVerfasst am: 26.05.2010, 15:32    Titel: New MR-03 front end from Reflex Racing

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The Upper Arm Mount will allow you to use:
-2 or 4 degrees of caster depending on the orientation of the base plate.
-Adjust 0,1,2 and 3 degrees of Camber with the Inlcluded Camber Adjustment Key In either W or N Setting. (Optional 0.5,1.5,2.0and 2.5 deg Key will be offered shortly after the product is released)
-By Raising the base plate with M2 Washers, you will be able to raise the roll center of the car in order to increase and fine tune the roll stiffness of your front end in order to better suit track conditions.
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Anmeldedatum: 20.06.2009
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BeitragVerfasst am: 26.05.2010, 15:36    Titel:

Hello, it looks very interesting. But when it comes out exactly? this product will be marketed in Germany? Thank you

Mfg julian
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Anmeldedatum: 10.05.2010
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BeitragVerfasst am: 26.05.2010, 15:40    Titel:

It will be released in early Juli I think. Preorders will be up from mid June.
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BeitragVerfasst am: 26.05.2010, 16:09    Titel:

sobald die Teile zu haben sind werde ich bestellen und sie im Atomic-Shop anbieten können Cool
das Teil sieht genial aus !
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Anmeldedatum: 31.12.2008
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BeitragVerfasst am: 26.05.2010, 20:55    Titel:

naja, ohne Sturzlehre wohl nur Pi-mal-Daum einzustellen.

Überzeugt mich leider nicht wirklich.
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Anmeldedatum: 04.03.2008
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BeitragVerfasst am: 26.05.2010, 21:01    Titel:

Ich sehe es wie Julian,viel Schnick und Schnack.Wer 1° oder 2° Sturz haben möchte kann es doch mit den neuen PN Querlenkern umsetzen.
Ist fix, passt und wackelt nicht.(Soll nicht heissen das die neue Reflex Front wackelt,aber die 4 Schrauben geben mir zu denken).

Mfg Gordon
Fabu empfiehlt die größte Mini-Z-Bilder-Sammlung der Welt auf
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Anmeldedatum: 08.04.2008
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BeitragVerfasst am: 26.05.2010, 23:26    Titel:


Kurz zur Übersetzung des Textes von unserem Freund Rune Wink

Eine Sturzlehre für die Einstellungen -2 bis +3 in 1 Grad schritten wird
mitgeliefert. Exclamation
Die Sturzlehre zur Einstellung in 0,5 Grad schritten wird später nachgeliefert. Very Happy

Sieht auf jeden Fall interessant aus, mal sehen was der Preis sagen wird Rolling Eyes

@Rune: Thanks for sharing Exclamation

LMN Racing Team, PN Racing - Team Germany
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Anmeldedatum: 10.05.2010
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BeitragVerfasst am: 26.05.2010, 23:51    Titel:

The price will be around $ 30 - 35 US. They will be delivered with a special adjustment tool for camber adjustments.

Regarding using the stock arms. The main thing about this is that they are lighter. Always minimize unsprung weight.

I dont think they will be wobbly either. When I tested the Atomic upper brace: Review Atomic upper brace I found that most of the slop was gone. This was with stock arms.
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Anmeldedatum: 08.04.2008
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BeitragVerfasst am: 27.05.2010, 03:12    Titel:

By the way
You try to minimize the unsprung weight Arrow but only in the front Wink
At the same time you pushed the weight in the back by using alum
motorpods, DDS, oilfilled maindamper and the fastners for screwing the body. Shocked
What about the balance of your car Question
Heavy weight in the back for more traction - that`s okay
but in the front you will left downforce and goes to understeering Rolling Eyes

Don`t get me wrong - i `ve never had used this way to find the right setup and iàm interested about your "ontrack" experiences.

In my former post, i had translate your post about the tool for camber adjustment - the price sounds interesting - another thanks for this information Wink

LMN Racing Team, PN Racing - Team Germany
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Anmeldedatum: 10.05.2010
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BeitragVerfasst am: 27.05.2010, 10:31    Titel:

No problem Very Happy
I will try to explain what I mean Smile

I agree on the importance of balance in the car.
This means sometimes that you have to add weight to the front or back of the car, depending on the wheelbase and body etc.

The best place is to add the weight to the non moveable parts.

When you minimize unsprung weight, your suspension will work better. Bumps and surface imperfections will be picked up much better, and will give the car better grip.
Less unsprung mass will make your suspension control the sprung mass (chassis etc) better.
This is equally important on every size of cars. Search the term "Unsprung mass" in google, and you will find a lot of articles about this.

The balance of the MR03 with complete alu rear end etc, is near perfect with stock front end. Smile
But I always try to minimize weight in the rear also. Most importantly the rotating parts. My differential weighs in at 5,1 grams (complete with hub). This is lighter than the stock plastic diff Razz

But as always. Finding the correct wheel angles etc are very important, and if this means you have to add unsprung mass, this can often surpass the negatives of the added unsprung mass.
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Anmeldedatum: 08.04.2008
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BeitragVerfasst am: 27.05.2010, 15:36    Titel:


Thanks for your explaination.
I know about the techniqual background.
Do you feel the differences on the track - i never were weighing my cars or the parts Laughing
But back to topic - i don`t really like the front suspension of the 03 and i`am looking forward for the release of the PN Double A Arm Suspension.
It was working so perfekt on my 02s Wink

LMN Racing Team, PN Racing - Team Germany
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Anmeldedatum: 10.05.2010
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BeitragVerfasst am: 26.08.2010, 13:57    Titel:

Click here for full review

Thee new RR front end works incredibly good. Adding this much caster to your car gives an incredibly forgiving car.

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Anmeldedatum: 20.12.2017
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BeitragVerfasst am: 23.12.2017, 21:12    Titel:


kurze Frage:

Wo gibt es diese Federteller?

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Rot/Orange...hab die bisher auf keiner gängigen Seite gefunden.
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